Butterfly Tattoo Style

Butterfly tattoo designs are some of the most popular tattoos, as well as some of the most beautiful designs. Although more women than men choose butterfly tattoos, some men have them as well. Butterfly tattoo designs can range anywhere from looking like natural butterflies to stylized fantasy or tribal style butterflies. The vast assortment of butterfly tattoo designs means that no matter what your personal taste or your reason for wanting a tattoo you can likely find a design that you love.

Butterfly Tattoo StyleThe butterfly itself is a beautiful creature, displaying perfect symmetry, astounding colors, beautiful shapes and a light, airy motion. Capturing the natural beauty of a butterfly in a tattoo can result in some of the most beautiful tattoo designs that overflow with warmth, richness and color.

If you look deeper than just the outside appearance of a butterfly you will find deep, symbolic meaning. Butterflies mean many different things to different cultures, though everything they are associated with is positive and uplifting.

Most commonly butterflies are used to symbolize change or transformation. Just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, a butterfly tattoo can symbolize a personal transformation in your life or a change that you are undertaking. Many people who choose butterfly tattoos choose them because they symbolize a new life or new beginning. It may be that you have started a new phase of your life, or left an old one behind. Personal change or transformation can have a life altering impact and you may want to capture it and honor it with a butterfly tattoo.

Even with the symbolism that is often attached to butterflies, sometimes a butterfly tattoo is just a butterfly tattoo and doesn't have any underlying meaning for the person who got it. Appreciating the beauty of the art without needing to assign meaning to it is absolutely fine. Sometimes the beauty of the design itself is what holds meaning for us.

As with any tattoo, the most important thing in deciding to get a butterfly tattoo is that you love the design that you have chosen and that it holds a special meaning for you - whether that meaning is deep and profound or whether it is just that you think it is beautiful and want to showcase the artwork on your body. As long as when you look in the mirror and see your tattoo it makes you smile then you will know you have made the right choice. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your tattoo - what matters is that it makes you happy.

VAGINA paint,SEXY women body

There can be no question that of all symbolic motifs in the representation of the sacred mysteries of origins, in the religious-mystical traditions of human culture, the vagina symbol is the most feared, being the most mysterious, hidden, unknown as representation of dual passage to life(in birth) and to afterlife(in death)
The vagina as the birth-death passage symbol stands at the hardcore of our awestruck fear of the unknown. The vagina is the ascent to life as well as the "dark descent" in death. The womb into which the vagina opens is the symbol of pre-life as well as afterlife: the mystery of mysteries
The death-life antagonistic duality, in the symbol of the sacred vagina of God The Mother, stands at the center of man's ambivalent attitude towards the woman
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In the beginning, the first man of whom we have documentary evidence as having practiced shamanic sorcery is shown (in the "Salle-du-Fond holies" of the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Paleolithic cave site mural) as crouched in apparent ambivalent reverence over the pubic triangle of the vagina in the anticipation of the magical "dark descent" into the sacred womb of all beginnings
Rankian psychoanalysis associates our worst unconscious psychoneurotic fears with the "dark passage"(the vagina) in the repressed Birth Trauma(the Primal Trauma)
Yet our fleeting visionary recollections of the intrauterine pre-life is of paradisaical pleasure. But the painful vaginal passage of the Birth Trauma stands guard like an angel with flaming sword at the entrance into womb-paradise
How shall we overcome our fear of the vaginal passage? That is the question central to our pre-occupation in religious life
Blessed, indeed, are those for whom the gods have provided ointment-grease to lubricate the vaginal passage. For such have been provided the vicarious sacrificial painful death of Jesus at Golgotha
And we have our first intimation of the possibility of an ecstatically pleasurable passage in the delectable pleasures of sexual union with a woman: our "love choice" as mother-substitute.
Anthropologists and archeologists who first visited the Paleolithic Cave site at Altamira reported(even with the benefit of modern equipment) the fearsome steepness of the "dark descent" into the "womb of the earth

Body Painting Wanita

Body Painting

Over time, people appreciate the lead from the body. Then becomes an art. This is the art of drawing the body. And approved the actual body painting art since 1960. This type of painting is the traditional body tattoo. This is the kind of life. It is used for religious purposes, or some, such as rites of some sects. Prohibited this practice for some time. But now the tattoo is no longer taboo. It is a kind of art. Some artists are interested in trying to make the tattoo a piece of artwork. Exercised by the board in the eastern countries in the world. Beyond that is a tribal culture. In ancient times, the men paint their faces for religious purposes. For women and girls, for example in India, painted their bodies before the marriage ceremony. Henna tattoo that they provide, which is called Mehndi. These paintings symbolize fertility. This kind of lead the body is spread in the Western world. Also for several centuries, clowns and actors in the paint itself. They paint their
faces or their bodies completely with bright colors. Painting is an important part of art show. Serve this kind of art they produce.
In times of 1950, some artists use a form of female and roll them in the paintings to reflect the cloth paintings. The result is fantastic. People begin to accept the theories of liberty, including the naked models.
In 1960 in the anti-war demonstrations young women paint their faces with the symbol of peace. Then the art of face painting is spreading in many countries.
Today there is an ongoing debate about the legality of body painting as a form of art. Now there are many festivals of the painting, which attracts professional and amateur body of this art. There is a festival in Austria. A body painting festival world. There are more than 150 artists who challenge themselves to produce the wonderful artifacts. These models were painted in a sexual manner and beautiful one. Body painting takes its place in world trade. TV numerous magazines and expose the beautiful bodies painted. Graphic artists of the cooperation in making some films, especially films and fake.
This practice is common in exhibitions or in public parks. Children and adolescents in the paint their faces. There are many forms of paintings such as the face of the tiger, spider, butterfly, cat, and clown and cartoon characters. Should be that materials that are used during the imaging process to be safe. It is essential that there be any toxic reactions or allergies. It is best to test the material of the paintings in a small area of ??skin before use.
Space of painting the body is very generous. They just need creative minds and people who love their bodies, except art. It can clarify some of the magic in the spectators of these bodies are beautiful. It raises different feelings about these masterpieces. And can add some body panels warmth in relations between the lovers. And can turn into a dump bodies of living. Painting the body is simply the unity between humans and the art itself.


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